LEGO® Based Therapy is a unique and innovative form of therapy that utilizes the power of play and creativity to help individuals develop new skills and strategies for managing their emotions and challenges.

LEGO® Based Therapy is a neuro affirming child-led, evidence based, learning through play approach that aims to develop social communication skills in children through collaborative play, skills such as turn-taking and problem solving.

Trained psychologists will run group sessions with 3-4 children of similar ages.  They will share a fun experience when building together, which helps to develop social bonds with their peers.

LEGO® Based Therapy is suitable for all children who may experience communication and other social developmental difficulties.
It is also beneficial for individuals who experience Anxiety, Depression, Phobias and / or Adjustment Disorders and has also been proven to be an extremely effective therapy as an intervention for children with Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN).

In LEGO® Based Therapy, individuals work with a Psychologist to build and create with Legos, and to explore and process their emotions and experiences through play. The therapy is designed to be fun, engaging, and empowering, and it provides individuals with a safe and supportive space to explore their feelings and develop new social, emotional and communication skills.

How does it work?

Children are given specific jobs for the building task and work together to complete their goal of a finished model. These roles are:

  1. Engineer – reads the instructions and gives directions to the others.  The Engineer must work with the Supplier to determine which pieces to retrieve and inform the Builder how to build the model.
  2. Supplier –sorts through and finds the right bricks for the builder.  The Supplier must coordinate with the Engineer to figure out what piece to retrieve, and provide these pieces to the Builder for construction.
  3. Builder – puts the bricks together according to the directions. The Builder must actively listen to instructions provided by the Engineer and construct the model using the pieces that are retrieved by the Supplier.

Upon completion of each session parents/carers will receive a summary from the Psychologist highlighting the child’s progress of social skills and any recommendations.



DATES: contact us as to register as the course rolls over depending on numbers of like minded students.


LOCATION: ProMind Psychology: 62 Henley Beach Road, Mile End SA 5031

FUNDING: $90 per session. You may choose to pay privately for this service or if you have NDIS funding, you can use funding in your capacity building supports – improved daily living.  Your commitment to group membership depends on the therapist to child ration so casual attendance is not available.

Email your interest to: [email protected]